US Forest Pledges

Christianson, A. (2022, February 9). How the United States can fulfill its critical forest pledges. Center for American Progress. Retrieved February 12, 2022, from 

Although the United States has previously fallen short to meet the requirements of many developments that would aid in major climate issues, the Biden-Harris administration has recently committed to addressing biodiversity and climate-related matters by signing international pledges at COP26. The US aims to tackle deforestation in an effort to revert the copious amounts of negative impacts America has experienced in recent years, regarding an increase of forest fires, extinction, and floods as well as a loss of biodiversity. Forestry conservation is the first step in repairing climate and ecosystem damage, but it alone cannot compensate for the greenhouse gas emissions the United States produces.

I chose this article because it emphasized the deep connection between the United States’ loss in biodiversity with global climate change impacts. Many of the driving causes of climate change run parallel to the causes of biodiversity loss, presenting the world with the possibility of resolving two major hurdles at once. Additionally, the article mentions a few criticisms about the United State not doing enough, which reinforced my thoughts about how significant of a role politics plays in large, vital decisions for the future. Every country needs to appropriately address these issues, not only to encourage change but set proper plans to guide people towards a better future.

2 thoughts on “US Forest Pledges

  1. I find it interesting to know that there are so many effects of deforestation like biodiversity loss, extinction, and more. I also think it’s important to get the government involved in environmental issues such as deforestation because they have the control to make changes.

  2. I agree that politics plays a significant role in determining the future health of our enviornment, and I think your response was very astute.
    What legislation do you think would have the biggest impact on biodiversity?

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