Can you keep it cool?

Geggel, Laura. “What’s Melting Arctic Ice? NASA Investigates Clouds.” LiveScience.     TechMedia Network, 22 Aug. 2014. Web. 6 Sept. 2014


The NASA has been investigating why Artic sea ice has been melting rapidly since 1 million square miles have melted since the 1970’s, but researchers have been trying to figure out what is speeding the ice’s demise. One thing that NASA has been doing is flying researchers over the Artic to study the ice conditions. Sea ice is a critical player of Earth’s changing climate. ARISE will allow scientists to take various measurements of ice clouds and the levels of radiation. These projects will help scientists understand the reasons why the ice is melting and ice’s larger effect on global climate.


This article is very interesting because many people don’t realize that the melting of Artic ice is a big problem. Most people think it’s not a big deal because they believe that its just ice melting but this also causes global warming. When I first read this, I felt like I wasn’t informed of the real consequences of the ice melting. I thought it was just ice melting and also some innocent animals dying, but there is lots more to it.


2 thoughts on “Can you keep it cool?

  1. Glaciers melting is a huge problem as it can cause water levels to rise, which can then lead to natural disasters. I think we need to be more informed of such problems, maybe in like forms of assemblies in schools to inform the public. What are some ways we as individuals can help?

  2. glaciers melting is a huge problem as it can cause water levels to go up. higher water levels may change the boarders we have set today. with the caps melting their is also new land that has fossil fuels and countries want it for themselves

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