The Best of Solar Energy

“Automakers Power Up Operations on Solar – NBC News.” NBC News. N.p., 14 Aug. 2014.

Web. 16 Sept. 2014. Retrieved September 13, 2014, from


Solar Energy is a renewable resource that is being used worldwide for an alternative energy resource. Many companies are looking into and investing in Solar Energy. The reason why so many companies are using Solar Energy is because they wouldn’t have to spend on the energy bill. The way it works is that you buy solar panels and land to put those solar panels on; but you don’t want any land, you want land where there is sun. You see, the solar panels are absorbing the sun’s energy. So, big corporations such as General Motors, are using these alternatives to power up their new Chevrolet Volt Plug-In Hybrid; so they can be ready for the customers when purchased. Many automakers are looking at Chevrolet and wanting to do the same with their vehicles and begin to use solar energy as well.

This article shows how solar energy is effecting the car industry. Nowadays there are many vehicles that are energy generated. Meaning they don’t have to use gas or oil (fossil fuels) to power up the vehicle. This being, many automaker are looking into alternative ways to power up their hybrid vehicles; that being solar energy. Many automakers want to use beneficial ways to power up their new hybrid vehicles without harming the environment as much as they would. The author proposes ways companies can begin their new alternative resource, that being said, investing in solar energy panels and perhaps putting those panels on their factory acres the businesses own.

One thought on “The Best of Solar Energy

  1. The world of electric cars is an insanely innovative place and it is very cool to sees such improvements as solar panels being used to charge cars at factories. But how efficient Is it for someone who owns a chargeable car to use solar panels to charge it? is it something that can be widespread?

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