Going green has benefits beyond being good for you and the planet

Click Green (Ed.). (2014, December 22). Going green has benefits beyond being good for you and the planet. Retrieved February 27, 2015, from Environmental News Network website: http://www.enn.com/agriculture/article/48119


The number of accidents due to everyday distractions is increasing and according to distraction.gov, statistics reveal that phones, radios, food, and sleepiness are causing them. Public transportation is proven to be significantly less dangerous and also helps the environment, such as biking, walking, or taking a bus or train. By taking a greener approach to everyday travel, it saves money, and can “also play a key role in reducing accidents” and the number of people on the road.


This article relates to environmental science because is shows how transportation is trying to go green, and reduce the amount of pollution from cars and overall safety of people on the road. According to this article it is statistically proven that there are less accidents with public transportation than by driving alone. With these odds I find it less comforting to know that the technological distractions of radios and phones are causing so many accidents. On top of saving the environment, it also saves money in the long run. I think it is imperative that people consider public transportation as their everyday means of travel.

3 thoughts on “Going green has benefits beyond being good for you and the planet

  1. Solid article. Why do you think even though so many have the ability to take the train or bus, they still drive? DO you think companies should have to start offering bus transit (Google)?

    • I agree with both of your comments. As for Madison’s questions, I believe people continually drive out of comfort of their own vehicles as well as convenience for themselves. They have control of when they can leave or arrive to work, and overall have more flexibility with using/having a car. Google has started a good thing by providing transit, but there will need to be more done in order to make a big difference.

  2. Thats a good question Madison, I think that companies should do all that they can to encourage public transportation and riding bicycles. I think that Google has the right idea in supplying Google Bikes for thier employees to use.

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