Climate Change Proves Harmful to Human Health

Study Shows How Climate Change Threatens Health. (2015, August 15). Retrieved August 21, 2015 from


Another, perhaps one of the most directly alarming effects of climate change for people who do not have very advanced medical aid is that more deadly diseases are able to thrive in new areas. Before the warming of the globe, the once cooler conditions prevented disease carrying microbes and animals from intruding on these areas, such as malaria-carrying mosquitoes. As a result more people are becoming exposed to these terrible diseases that were once confined only in the tropics. Furthermore, deaths by heat stroke as a result of the more extreme temperatures have skyrocketed in areas without solace from the scorching heat.

The global impacts of the alteration of the atmospheric composition has already had innumerable effects on the world. Such effects can now basically be felt by every living thing on this planet. Even humans, who are purely responsible for the rapid climate change dying as a consequence of our actions. Surely, in the future even more deaths from the thriving diseases will occur. To me, this should be probably the most scary and obvious effect of my topic and if the entire world, not just a couple countries, does not act quickly and monumentally, then we are doomed for a disaster of an extinction.  

2 thoughts on “Climate Change Proves Harmful to Human Health

  1. Remember this article for AP Exam purposes if nothing else. It is really an important one. The expanding ranges of mosquitoes alone are a huge cause of concern. Malaria, just one disease carried by mosquitoes, could reach huge proportions… and expensive. I do want to caution you though- it will be expensive and a game changer, but doesn’t necessarily equal human extinction, which it seems like you were implying. I did just read another article that mentioned other species going extinct in CA and it being linked to climate change. Good article.

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