Genetic Alteration of Invasive Species

2. Genetic Alteration of Invasive Species

Langin, Katie. “Genetic Engineering to the Rescue Against Invasive Species?” National
Geographic . National Geographic Society, 14 July 2014. Web. 22 Aug. 2015.


Recent genetic engineering has proved a possibility of triggering a decline in the population of invasive species in native environments. Scientists say this type of technology was not available two years ago but now, with more understanding and testing it’s possible to wipe invasive species from environments for good. Scientists have tinkered with the genetic genome of mosquitos to test out this plan. The idea is to identify the genes that make an invasive species resistant or more capable to reproduce and then scientist insert an alteration that would deplete these factors, leading to the extinction of most of the invasive population.

This new technology does prove it has the possibility to succeed and help restore native environments back to health. However, scientists are right when they say they want to take caution when experimenting this new technology. It’s hard to know what other factors of the environment this type of alteration can do, so it’s best to keep researching it more before actually applying it to a natural environment. Nonetheless, it’s a great way to bring more awareness and knowledge to the invasive species field.

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