Reducing Carbon pollution

Bergstrom, Liz (August 3rd, 2015) EPA finalizes rule to dramatically reduce carbon pollution,

Audubon, Retrieved on August 28th, 201th from:

The EPA has recently passed rules that are going to require states to create less carbon pollution, by reducing their use of power. This is a huge step because carbon pollution has many negative effects on our environment such as climate change and the lives of animals. The mandatory reduction could help to lower the chances of any more significant changes.

This article was interesting because it shows the steps that are being taken to reduce pollution from nuclear plants and power plants in general. Making existing plants more efficient will have extremely positive effects and will help to keep are environment nice and stable. This mandatory reduction will hopefully be the change needed to make power use better for the climate and wildlife.

6 thoughts on “Reducing Carbon pollution

  1. This is very reassuring; in a world with an environment that is quickly deteriorating and becoming corrupt by excessive carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere, steps taken to reduce and mitigate these problems are CRUCIAL! However, I believe even more steps can be taken…

  2. It’s good to know that steps are actually being taken to reduce carbon pollution and that there is recognition of the negative effects this has on the environment. To what extent is EPA reducing the locals power, and will it have a massive impact of the locals daily lives?

    • It shouldn’t impact daily lives too much. Though I’m not entirely sure, I think their focus is mainly making existing plants more effective.

  3. This was very interesting to read! I would hope that action is being taken to reduce nuclear pollution. What exactly is the EPA doing?

  4. Glad you found it interesting, Mia! I’m not sure specifically what the EPA is doing, but I know they are working on finding ways to make power more efficient but also safer.

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