Solid Waste Management

(2015, August 24). Civic Body Set to Scale Up Solid Waste Management: The Times of India.        India Times, Coimbatore |The Times of India. Retrieved August 23, 2015, from         waste-management/articleshow/48646165.cms


Where ever there are humans, there is bound to be trash. The more humans there are in one area, there will be more trash in that area. The world is starting to overpopulate especially in places like India. Solid waste management is starting to become a major issue as poorer countries like India are struggling with the disposal of their trash. In the city of Coimbatore, in which there are 731 people per square kilometer, trash is starting to build up and the civic body is beginning to plan out ways in which to dispose of all this trash. They have decided to set up a bio-methanization plant, a vermin-compost plant, and a construction and demolition waste plant. They have also added 1,500 new bins to replace old damaged and overflowing bins. They are planning to segregate the waste so that they can make good use out of it. These new sites are designed to reduce 400 tons of waste that reach the compost yard each year and convert 500 metric tons of food waste into manure.

This article relates to environmental science as it involves waste and population growth. Humans are using their studies of the environment to try and make the world more clean and conserve our planet so that future generations may live on it comfortably. They are figuring out more efficient ways to dispose of trash as in India, the pollution problem is already a huge issue. The creation of these plants will reduce waste in the streets of Coimbatore and help them use their trash effectively.


One thought on “Solid Waste Management

  1. This is the epitome of env. science. Where there are humans, there is waste… and India’s case you can imagine it is a LOT of waster that can cause all kinds of problems. Sounds like potential solutions are on the table and there is a desire for it… although can’t you just imagine how much of a problem it must be there. They can suffocate on their own waste. The trick is cutting it off at the source… and then figuring out how to repurpose the waste that there is into something useful. Nice write up on this one.

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