Organic Foods Becoming Much More Accessible in Alaska

Villarias, A. (2015, November 3). Climate Change News: Alaska Grows Organic Food in Tundra. Retrieved November 19, 2015, from /20151103 /climate-change-news-alaska-grows-organic-food-tundra.htm  


Because of our increased carbon output the temperatures have risen, especially in Alaska. Consequently, the ice on the ground has receded significantly. This Alaskan climate has changed so much that people are now growing organic crops on the ground in the Arctic. “This is very unusual,” says Tim Meyers, an Alaskan resident, “and I hate to say that but I guess I’m taking advantage of the fact that it is getting warmer.” This change in climate has given the state of Alaska a more reliable and stable food source.

I found this article to be very unique and to give an inside perspective on one of the rare ways global warming has had a slight positive effect on the quality of living. This has to do with environmental science because there is a significant change in the environment in this area and has a elicited a longer growing season. The increased growing season as a result of climate change can have positive or negative effects, but overall I think the climate will allow for more food production in the short run in these once freezing climates. The reduction of the ice cover in Alaska is sad because it is called the Arctic, but is now not exhibiting arctic-like weather.


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