What’s the Big Fracking Deal?

Fracking Really isn’t That Bad. (2016, August 28). Retrieved August 29, 2016, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2016/08/28/fracking-really-isnt-so-bad/#9478ddf78bd3

  • This article written by Forbes, the author quotes a recent study performed by the University of Texas stating that the detrimental effects that fracking has had on human well being is mostly due to poor quality of work and sloppy drilling methods. The author states that if drilling practices were improved there would be few noticeable effects on human health but a misuse of equipment has led to chemicals escaping into open water.
  • I found the article to be eye opening, I had thought that the process of fracking of itself were to blame for the negative effects associated with fracking and that it was not because of sloppiness that fracking has caused so much environmental damage. I also thought that if fracking has been responsible for such widespread damage to the environment that the process of removing oil through fracking must be nearly impossible because most of the damage done has been caused by poor drilling practices. If nearly all fracking rigs have had problems due to poor drilling hurting the environment I believe fracking should be outlawed, just because it has the potential to be less harmful than it has nearly always been in the past does not mean it should be allowed to continue.

One thought on “What’s the Big Fracking Deal?

  1. First of all, love the puns, but I too was unaware that most of the environmental damage is due to sloppiness, and I don’t think outlawing the practice altogether is necessary, but some more effective training programs for “frackers” sure is

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