Phase #1: World #4

Thomas, S., & Croft, A. (2016, August 22). Nuclear Developers Have Big Plans

                          for Pint-Sized Power Plants in UK. Retrieved August 28, 2016, from


This article is about power plants in London, in which the main topic is aimed the lack of mini-nuclear power plants that could solve “Britain’s looming power crunch.” In these kind of power plants, small modular reactors (SMR) utilize existing or new nuclear technology in order to produce about one-tenth of the amount of electricity produced by well-known businesses and companies. According to critics, the big issue is that it might be very expensive, and that it is not worth the cost.
This article completely leaves out the conversation of pollution. The critics mentioned in the article did not even talk about the effects of pollution, only the cost of the nuclear power plants. The fact that they do not even address the state of pollution underscores the lack of  general human concerns for the consequences of the environment. When people read this, they will not even think about the negative effects of the plants because it wasn’t even talked about in the article.

2 thoughts on “Phase #1: World #4

  1. Power plants would cut back on pollution but having mini power plants would put everyone who lives by them at risk. What if their is a melt down?

    • I am curious as to know why mini power plants would put more people’s lives at risk that reside near them than normal sized power plants do. However, you do bring up a good point about the melt down and that it is very hazardous if that does in fact happen.

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