Future of Power Plants and Nuclear Energy in US

Behr, P. (2016, November 17). Nuclear Closures Magnify US Climate Challenge for Trump.

Retrieved From http://www.eenews.net/stories/1060045903

The future of nuclear energy is very unclear at this moment in time. The new president-elect Donald Trump wishes to stray away from clean energy such as nuclear power because it is not the future of America’s energy. Not believing in global warming, he campaigned on the idea of returning the majority of United States energy to coal and natural gas, a much less expensive energy source than nuclear energy. This would result in the shutting down of many nuclear power plants throughout the nation and much more carbon-emissions to come.

I hope that the United States will stick with carbon free emissions rather than resorting to the excessive use of coal and natural gas. I do believe that global warming is a real thing that must be dealt with so that we do not destroy our environment. If we use coal and natural gas, our carbon emissions will be unbelievably high, and the destruction of our planet’s atmosphere will be soon to follow. In my opinion, we need to prioritize our environment over the cost of energy, because the future consequences of forsaking our environmental destruction may be catastrophic.

One thought on “Future of Power Plants and Nuclear Energy in US

  1. I agree that it is in the best interest of the United States to stick with carbon free emissions rather than reverting to coal, oil, and natural gas. I also agree that global warming is real and it will start to effect our world more and more however I do not think it will destroy ecosystems but instead force them to adapt to much warmer/colder climates. However, I do not agree that our atmosphere will be soon to follow because over the past 40 years our atmosphere has actually become healthier.

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