Over Half of New Jersey’s Global-Warming Emissions Due to Transportation

Johnson, T. (2016, October 25). NJ Must Reduce Global-Warming Pollution in Transportation Sector – NJ Spotlight. Retrieved November 20, 2016, from http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/16/10/24/nj-must-reduce-global-warming-pollution-in-transportation-sector/

Transportation accounts for a whopping 53% of New Jersey’s global-warming emissions.  New Jersey is pushing to transition from gas-powered transportation to be mainly electric-powered.  New Jersey feels as if they are behind other states in the US on the electric vehicle movement.  They also encourage residents to bike, walk, or take public transportation to cut down on pollution.  They claim that they have the solutions, and now they have to put the necessary policies in place.  

Because transportation accounts for over half of New Jersey’s net global-warming emissions, it is essential that the state find a solution.  This shows how a simple change like driving an electric car over a gas-powered car can make a massive difference in the long-term.  I think that the amount of cars in every state or region should be regulated, as well as the amount of emissions emitted from each individual vehicle.  Biking or walking are also great alternatives, and they are better for the Earth, as well as our bodies.  We should strive to practice healthy habits to live longer lives, and so generations to come have a world worth living in.

6 thoughts on “Over Half of New Jersey’s Global-Warming Emissions Due to Transportation

  1. 53% that’s crazy!! I definitely agree that New Jersey should take steps to become more environmentally friendly. Is the New Jersey government doing anything to pursue this? What kinds of policies are they putting in place?

  2. I completely agree with you. Do you think that New Jersey can start to push for more hybrid vehicles and give the people that live there more incentives to drive an electric car in the future?

  3. This is certainly problematic, and I agree people should use more environmentally friendly transportation. Do you have any idea how New Jersey stacks up with other states in regard to this problem?

  4. I agree with you. 53% is insanely high and New Jersey should encourage electric cars or other environmentally friendly ways of transportation. How are they planning on enforcing this?

  5. Let me just say, classic Jersey. I dont mean to flame @cowaymire here but New Jersey is infamous on the east coast for it’s terrible traffic, and the high emissions rate is definitely a result of that. Is there anything they could do to relieve the highway congestion there? Open some bridges perhaps?

  6. Thank you for reading. I think that there are many possible solutions to this issue in New Jersey, many which have been mentioned in your comments above – electric cars, government incentives, enforcement, and more. It is up to New Jersey to put these ideas and potential solutions into action.

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