New Ruled For Waste Water Recycling

Potter, D. (2016, October 31). California State Considers New Rules For Waste Water Recycling. Retrieved November 21, 2016, from

State regulators are taking comments on a kind of water recycling where wastewater sits in a lake before being treated. The state already has rules in place for groundwater recharge where wastewater goes in an aquifer and later comes out for drinking water. Randy Barnard heads the recycled-water unit for the State Water Resources Control Board, says California will remain thirsty for new ways to get water, not just because of the drought, but because the state’s population is expected to grow by several millions in coming decades.

This article was very interesting. Instead of blaming the drought for our lack of water, the large population we have was taken into account. It is interesting to think that a growing population could affect our water supply. This article is extremely relevant to the environment because a growing population could not only affect water supplies but also to climate, and ecosystems.

2 thoughts on “New Ruled For Waste Water Recycling

  1. Our population is a clear factor for why the drought might be so severe. Compared to other states, we are massive, but this is only another reason for why we should be more careful with our water waste. The water recycling seems like a great idea, even maybe a solution. How do you think this would affect our water supply?

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