San Diego’s Journey With Recycling Water

Garrick, D. (2016). San Diego accelerates new water supply. Retrieved November 17, 2016, from

San Diego’s landmark water recycling system took several key steps forward this week when the City Council approved an accelerated timeline and a comprehensive environmental analysis. The city has also decided to pump the water into the Lake Miramar reservoir 8 miles away instead of the larger San Vicente Reservoir 18 miles away, shortening the pipeline construction timeline. This change will save roughly $50 million and reduce neighborhood and traffic disruptions during pipeline construction. In addition, officials have decided to make the Miramar purification plant more environmentally friendly by using methane from the nearby Miramar landfill as its power source. The move will simultaneously relieve regulatory pressure on the city’s Environmental Services Department to sharply reduce methane emissions from the landfill.

It is so great to see that places all over California finding ways to recycle water and even lower over environmental issues at the same time, such as methane emissions. It is still unfortunate to see how expensive these projects are. Why are they so expensive? They are essential to maintain a healthy ecosystem and help us strive so why is it so expensive? Because it is extremely expensive it limits what we can do, if it was cheaper more places over the world would be able to recycle water.  Recycled water is beneficial to today’s economy because due to California’s massive drought.

One thought on “San Diego’s Journey With Recycling Water

  1. It is great to see places in California conserving water. However, in this case, how are they recycling water? By using the methane gas as a power source?

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