America following in footsteps of Venezuela with polluted water, infrastructure failures and economic collapse

Heyes, J.D. (April 26, 2016). America following in footsteps of Venezuela with polluted water, infrastructure failures and economic collapse. Natural News. Retrieved November 18, 2016, from

Basic services like water are failing throughout Venezuela. Even in the capital of Caracas, scores of residents don’t have regular, running water anymore, and when they do, it is yellow and contaminated. The government has attempted to deliver potable water to residents in the cities, but oftentimes the delivery trucks are robbed, with gangs forcing drivers to dispense the clean water in an area they control.

Venezuela’s government is failing and due to that it cannot provide clean water to the people. The people are drinking contaminated water that can kill you. Venezuela is in deep trouble and needs environmental help fast. America is not near as bad as Venezuela but we are heading in that direction if we do not consider valuing our water resource.

2 thoughts on “America following in footsteps of Venezuela with polluted water, infrastructure failures and economic collapse

  1. Are they trying to deliver water to all citizens or only to residents of Caracas? Once the gangs control the water are they hoarding it or only taking enough for what they need?

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