America’s Water Crisis Could Be Worse Than You Know

Rose, Joan. (March 22, 2016).” America’s Water Crisis Could Be Worse Than You Know”. Time. Retrieved November 19,2016, from

America’s Water Crisis Could Be Worse Than You Know

Water quality is part of health, Rose mentions that we need to address water issues to protect the public health of U.S. citizens and the bio-health of our planet in the future. Americans have taken water for granted and most of them don’t even know where it comes from. Waterborne disease outbreaks are much more common than most people realize. From 2000 to 2009 in the U.S. there were  of Legionella, a respiratory waterborne disease.

Our environment is stressed especially water resources, our water system in fraying. Pipes are getting old and we have to replace them but we can’t see them so we tend to ignore them. We think our water is clean if it comes out clear but it can have toxins from sitting around somewhere unsanitary.

4 thoughts on “America’s Water Crisis Could Be Worse Than You Know

  1. Should we all be testing our water yearly or monthly? This article scares me that my water might not be healthy, especially after some of the recent events with water quality.

  2. It’s a scary fact that we don’t know what we are drinking out of our facesits. Do you think that it would be worthwhile for the government to use some of their money to fix our pipeways?

  3. do you think that the water quality should be checked in some places more than others? In some states they water quality might be slightly better than other states, so the quality might not need to be checked as thoroughly. The price to check and regulate water quality will be high if all states and regions are checked the same.

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