Power Plants Phase #2: United States

Kemp, J. (2016, November 14). Old and worn out, U.S. coal-fired power plants easy prey for

gas: Kemp. Retrieved November 20, 2016, from,


This article discusses how Obama’s administration is to blame for the closings of coal-fired power plants. More than 400 power units have been closed down, and about 33,000 jobs have been lost. This is hazardous because coal now only accounts for about a third of generated electricity in the United States. People blame Obama because of the “war on coal,” and that he is fighting for solar powered energy instead of coal and gas powered energy. It is going to get worse for coal-fired power plants, as their numbers are currently declining, according to the article.

I am happy that the coal-fired power units are being closed down because it help reduce air pollution. With fewer power plants, it would be much easier to save the environment and prevent further damage to the air we breath. I understand the tragedy of all those lost job, however I believe that they should find a job that is still local where they spend their efforts in doing something more environmentally friendly. These critics of Obama need to realize that his actions are for the greater good, and will pay off in the long run.

4 thoughts on “Power Plants Phase #2: United States

  1. Why is it bad that the amount of coal power plants are decreasing? Isn’t that a lot better for the environment anyway? I think its sad that so many jobs have been lost and think that Obama should take responsibility for all of the jobs lost and help those people get reemployed.

  2. I completely agree with you. Do you think Trump will try to bring back more jobs in the coal industry which will un-do Obama’s efforts in helping combat climate change?

  3. How interesting. Did you notice if there is a correlation between political party loyalty and those criticizing Obama fort this? I wonder what Trump will bring.

  4. I agree with your point that the a shrinking coal industry is better for the country. The first thing that comes to my mind is the rising cost of power in those regions. Do you think that the rising costs of electricity would put an unbearable strain on some US citizens? This may potentially push the envelope for lower income families. Although the environment is better off the living standards for Americans may drop and people may be forced out of expensive areas.

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