Acid Rain and Snow

Melting snow and heavy rain downpours can result in episodic Melting snow and heavy rain downpours can result in what is known as episodic acidification. Lakes that do not have usually have high levels of acidity may temporarily experience effects of acid rain when the melting snow brings great amounts of acidic deposition and the soil cannot absorb it. This can result in short term stress on the ecosystem.

Acid rain can affect any environment. However, I do find it interesting that snow is also negatively affected. I wonder why doesn’t the ice particles in the air absorb  the acid and release it when the snow melts. I also wonder if there a way to stop the snow from becoming acidic in the presence of the harming.



ENN: Environmental News Network — Know Your Environment. (2016, September). Retrieved December 02, 2016, from

2 thoughts on “Acid Rain and Snow

  1. I like your point about how acidic snow impacts the environment just as much as rain would, a fact often overlooked. I wonder if humans cause 100% of the acidification in the snow or if some of it is due to natural causes?

  2. I was surprised to learn that acid rain’s effects are in short bursts, but I suppose that makes sense when you think about it. I’m curious as to how serious the effects on the lake are.

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