Could Trump Take California To Court To Save A Navajo Coal Plant

The California Green Mandates played a crucial role in the shutting down of the Navajo Generating Station in Arizona. However, this may lead to a federal lawsuit against California as some view this action as unconstitutional according to the Constitution’s Commerce Clause. California passed a law in 2006 which prohibited the renewal of contracts with coal-fired plants. However as recently as 2015, three out of state coal plants provided 50% of Southern California’s energy and are now being shut down in favor of natural gas plants because of California state policy. Opposition to the shutdown cite loss of jobs as the greatest repercussion as the plant provides 755 jobs for workers in the surrounding area of the Navajo plant.


Coal is one of the worst fossil fuels in terms of emissions and although natural gas also produces harmful emissions, it is the lesser of two evils in terms of environmental impact. California has become a leader in terms of reducing fuel emissions and its efforts in not endorsing coal fired plants proves this fact. I share the same viewpoint with California against the endorsement of coal-fired plants because of the extremely harmful impact that they have on the environment. However profitable the coal business is, I do not think that it worth it because of the extreme harm that it causes to the environment as well as the workers in the business.




Bastasch, M. (2017, February 17). Could Trump Take California To Court To Save A Navajo Coal Plant. Retrieved from

One thought on “Could Trump Take California To Court To Save A Navajo Coal Plant

  1. I agree with this because governments need to start taking more action on environmental problems. Profit is the source of most environmental issues because people care more about money than the effect that it has on the environment.

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