Proposed AES Long Beach Power Plant Too Large, Says Los Cerritos Wetlands Group

AES energy company has proposed to build a new natural gas power plant in Long Beach, but the proposal has been met with strong opposition from environmental groups, such as the Los Cerritos Wetlands Group. The proposed 1,040 megaWatt plant has been called “too large” by the opposition as it would discourage the use of clean energy sources because of how much power the plant would generate. AES has claimed that the plant needs to be very large so that it can supply power to consumers if their alternative energy sources falter and can no longer produce energy. AES is also proposing to build a 100 megaWatt battery storage facility in Huntington Beach to store the energy produced by the new plant. The California Energy Commission will give its decision by April 12th regarding the proposal.


I do not like this proposal as I feel that it drives Californians away from the future of energy. With carbon emissions at an all time high in the world, we must get away from fossil fuels and adopt clean energy as a mainstream practice. California has to be the leader in illustrating to the nation the future of energy in the United States, and the building of this power plant reduces the necessity of alternative energy sources for Californians. California does not need another large power plant for the future, but more Californians who are willing to adopt cleaner forms of energy.




Edwards, A. (2017, March 7). Proposed AES Long Beach Power Plant Too Large, Says Los

Cerritos Wetlands Group. Retrieved from

2 thoughts on “Proposed AES Long Beach Power Plant Too Large, Says Los Cerritos Wetlands Group

  1. To hear that environmentalists are against the construction of the natural gas power plant definitely puts up a red flag. But i don’t know if the plant being “too large” poses to great of a problem compared to the problems fossil fuel plants pose. What do you think?

  2. I definitely agree it is a dilemna however it seems that California is not using any other clean energy sources in mainstream energy production so natural gas may be the cleanest energy used in terms of fossil fuels.

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