Concern for expansion

St. Gabriel residents concerned by water recycling plant expansion. (2017, Jan. & feb.). Retrieved March 9, 2017, from
St. Gabriel City Council will soon decide if a water-recycling plant can expand, though many people are worried about it.Those people were not allowed to speak at a council meeting Thursday, however, since the project was just being introduced.The company has been operation in St. Gabriel for years recycling chemical waste. Tyrone Williams lives less than four miles from the plants and thinks expansion would cause more harm than good.”There are more than a thousand people being affected by this is you include the prison system,” Williams said. “And there have been significant violations, emission, cancer causing chemicals being released into the environment, the ground, the air, the water.”Absorbent Solutions President Stewart Fulton said the company did have violations in the past, but they continue to work with the Department of Environmental Quality to fix them.”Our goal in this expansion is to bring environmentalist responsibility, not only to the community but also to customers,” Fulton said.
This article was very interesting to me. Both sides in this case have very strong reasons on their claim. The ones being affected by this plant show the dangers of this plant and possible long term health effects of many. But the water plant is also very important in recycling water in order to drink and use it. I wonder which side is really overall more important.

2 thoughts on “Concern for expansion

  1. It is very interesting to see the different points-of-view of people regarding the expansion of a water-recycling plant. I also do believe that recycling water is essential, however the plant must not make any violations that result in negative health effects in the local people.

  2. I think it is interesting that everyone has a different view on recycled water. I believe that it is important to vitalize recycling water because of the increased number of droughts. What is the process of recycling water?

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