Recycled water project

Johnson, J. (2017, March 09). Recycled water project gets permit to inject highly treated wastewater into Seaside basin. Retrieved March 10, 2017, from
Watsonville Pure Water Monterey now has permission to inject highly treated recycled wastewater into the Seaside basin for later use as drinking water.With staff offering its full-throated support, the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board on Thursday unanimously approved a permit blessing the recycled water project’s advanced treatment plan for purifying a variety of wastewater sources prior to pumping the water into the basin. The hearing was held at Watsonville City Hall.
This article was very interesting to me. Before approving the permit, board members questioned the treatment proposal’s ability to purify highly contaminated wastewater, including “legacy pesticides” and “constituents of emerging concern” such as pharmaceuticals. In response, project consultant Shane Trussel told the board the treatment process employing reverse osmosis and advanced oxidation would reduce contaminants to levels well below those allowed under drinking water standards. Explaining that the recycled water is just as safe as normal water. It is great to read that many proposals for recycling water are being passed!

2 thoughts on “Recycled water project

  1. This is exciting! I completely agree with you! I is great that recycled water is being introduced to the drinking realm. I wonder how people will react to the drinking of recycled water. What do you think?

  2. It is interesting to think about the possibilities of recycled water. If the resources to clean this water were installed in houses in the future, it could reduce transportation costs.

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