Power Plants – California

Bayar, T. (2016, June 22). Romania coal power plants violating EU law says
report. Retrieved August 28, 2016, from http://www.powerengineeringint.com/articles/2016/06/romania-coal-power-plants-violating-eu-law-says-report.html

This article talks about how Romania is defying the European Nation’s emissions law on releasing a coal-fired plant fleet. Bayar reported that, “The report found that, of Romania’s 11 coal-fired power plants, only two have avoided exceeding EU emissions standards while the rest have continued to operate illegally.” Five plants of the eleven had failed to reduce EU-mandated levels including other thermal plants that happened to be suspended by the European Guard.

Again, this brings up the conversation about power plants being an environmental issue due to the fact that it can cause widespread pollution across the world. I think that the actions of the EU tackling this power plant fleet is very important because of the long terms effects of pollution.

3 thoughts on “Power Plants – California

  1. Wow, it seems like there just needs to be a lot more regulation and punishments for these types of things. The officials need to start cracking down on illegal emissions so they can help the world. Why do you think these types of illegal operations are still happening?

  2. Very interesting article. We cannot let countries do things like this. If Romania is allowed to have illegal coal plants, what is stopping other countries from doing the same. Romania needs to be punished for these actions since it affects more than just their country.

  3. By engaging in such actions, Romania is setting an example for other similar countries to also ignore the EU regulations. Penalties and fines must be enforced. Like Rohan said, their actions harm not only their country but the entire world.

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