For arid, Mars-like Peruvian desert, rain brings death

3 years ago there was rainfall in the Atacama Desert in Peru. it wiped out all of the micro organisms living there. Every spring, the rain is supposed to bloom life in the desert but that year, most of the microbial life was killed. Acid rain killed these organisms and brough nitrates. These nitrate deposits also may have came from decades ago, just stored up in the ground.


This article provides data from an area that most articles won’t write about. A Desert isn’t usually a place where one would think that acid rain affects it. It makes the reader feel poorly about the fact that these organisms are no longer part of the ecosystem. It cited scientists from reliable studies. It also made it very clear that acid rain is a problem everywhere.


One thought on “For arid, Mars-like Peruvian desert, rain brings death

  1. I agree with you that a desert is an unexpected victim of acid rain. This is just added proof that climate change does not just mean warmer temperatures, and cannot be refuted by the presence of rain or cold. Human impact on the world from carbon emissions are obviously having a wide variety of negative effects. It is sad that this entire habitat is ruined by the one thing that is vital to its well-being. Additionally, it is frustrating that some still don’t believe in climate change, or that carbon emissions have negative effects. I wonder how acid rain is affecting other areas around the world.

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