NBB Asks Farm Bill Conferees to Support Biodiesel Programs

Board, National Biodiesel. “NBB Asks Farm Bill Conferees to Support Biodiesel Programs.” Biodiesel Magazine – The Latest News and Data About Biodiesel Production, Bio Mag, 16 Aug. 2018, www.biodieselmagazine.com/articles/2516447/nbb-asks-farm-bill-conferees-to-support-biodiesel-programs.


The National Biodiesel Board decided to sent a letter to a group of union farmers to promote a five year plan for biodiesel infrastructure. They asked for continued funds for multiple different biodiesel projects. The vice president of the NBB stated that the farm industry will only benefit from supporting biodiesel, as it is deeply rooted in agriculture. He is pushing to have biodiesel added to the farm bill. The goal for this project is to reinstitute education and research on biodiesel. There are 100 biodiesel production plants all across the US and most of those plants are located in rural areas. The plants support the agribusinesses and the farm owners. Advanced biodiesel is the first renewable fuel that can be used in diesel engines without any modification.


It is reassuring to see large organizations putting in efforts to support the biodiesel industry. With more people join the fight to push biodiesel all over the country there will soon be an increase in the fuels production. The agricultural business is a good place to start pushing for more biodiesel policies. This is because the farm industry is responsible for 13% of greenhouse gas emissions. If the agricultural businesses started using advanced biodiesel there would be a huge decrease in ghg emissions across the country. It would also help enlighten other industries on the benefit of using a renewable fuel source.

2 thoughts on “NBB Asks Farm Bill Conferees to Support Biodiesel Programs

  1. I also agree that biodiesel fuels seem promising, but I think I’ve read something about how producing some biofuels competes with other food products we consume and how this raises prices. Is this true about biodiesel?

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