Senators Again Urge EPA to Abandon Effort to Undermine Biodiesel

Heitkamp, Heidi. “Senators Again Urge EPA to Abandon Effort to Undermine Biodiesel.” Biodiesel Magazine – The Latest News and Data About Biodiesel Production, 16 May 2018,


Seven US senators from a wide range of states having been urging 29 other senators to push the EPA to increase the US’s renewable fuel obligations. The senators are tired of the government lowering biodiesel production. When the biodiesel industry is left stagnant on production it causes instability in the biofuel work force. The EPA’s lack of support for the biodiesel industry has left it unable to expand. The senators are urging the government to invest money in the advancement of biofuels. In 2015 a study conducted by LMC international showed that the biodiesel industry supported around 47,400 jobs.


It is clear that all across the US senators see the benefits of using biodiesel and are pushing congress to support this advanced fuel. Year after year the EPA has failed to raise the RVO on biodiesel when the Trump administration promised it would. These senators make it clear they are tired of waiting and are joining together to fight for a push in biodiesel advancements. The biofuel industry helps many parts of society including job opportunities and many economic benefits. Change is on the rise as more government personal push for legislation that supports the biodiesel industry.

One thought on “Senators Again Urge EPA to Abandon Effort to Undermine Biodiesel

  1. As the Environmental Protection Agency, I would think that they’d care to conserve the finite sources of we have. The fact that they do not acknowledge how biodiesel could help the US, is a problem. Fossil fuels, being our main source of energy, wouldn’t cutting funding also produce a loss of jobs for coal miners or engineers?

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