Newsom’s Activist Agenda Fits Historic Trend.

Summary: This article basically discusses how the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is repeating California’s history of governors with an “Activist Agenda” that apparently isn’t very successful. We tend to alternate between activists who want to shake things up and more passive governors who are happy with incremental changes. Newsom fits the first description with the “most ambitious agenda of any governor in the post-World War II era”. Newsom ticked off issue after issue he intends to address and presumably resolve, including the housing crisis, economic inequality, climate change, homelessness, educational deficiencies, aging, Alzheimer’s, Internet privacy, medical access and costs, and workforce displacement. With such an array of issues under his agenda, environmental concerns aren’t as prioritized.

Opinion: I think this article begs the question: How much should we prioritize environmental concerns over others? Since California and most other states have many issues that we need to address, at what point do we say: Environmental issues are our first priority. In my opinion, I think if we just keep listing it as a part of our agenda, but we don’t make it a number one promise, it will keep getting swept under the rug. I think governors and other politicians for all states should really work hard at figuring out a plan, so everything doesn’t seem as dire in the long run.

2 thoughts on “Newsom’s Activist Agenda Fits Historic Trend.

  1. I agree with the statement that we need to take more action to prevent climate change and that it is necessary to move it up to number one on our list. This article shows that we are not doing enough, and in the future, it could turn into a crisis.

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