California mandates 100-percent zero-emission bus fleet.

California mandates 100-percent zero-emission bus fleet. (2018, December 14). Retrieved from


To reduce greenhouse gases and improve air quality, California is moving in a direction where there are zero-emission transit buses. Currently, there are 153 zero-emission buses and “the California Air Resources Board voted to require that all new buses be carbon-free by 2029”. This is just another step to helping with climate change. There are some concerns such as the cost, but advocates of the mandate say they have lower maintenance and fuel costs.”


This relates to environmental science because this is an effort to help with climate change. Just the fact to encourage people to use public transportation helps with climate change because fewer people would use their individual vehicles and in the end produce fewer emissions. But then this is going one step further and making the buses zero emissions. This idea maybe could be extended to other vehicles like delivery or garbage trucks. I wonder though how much of an impact this would create for reducing greenhouse emissions from vehicles and if it would be significant. Also, would this encourage more people to use the zero-emission buses?

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