Environmental group pushes for clean ‘Traslacion’

Ma, & Montemayor, T. (2019, January 7). Environmental group pushes for clean ‘Traslacion’. Retrieved from http://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1058157

Summary: An environment advocacy group, the Black Nazarene, is calling on its members to participate in its campaign for a litter-free “Traslacion” in Manila this year. Daniel Alejandre, a Zero Waste Campaigner of the EcoWaste Coalition, called on the devotees pick up trash and be more aware and responsible for litter and the environment. EcoWaste is a public interest network of community, church, school, environmental and health groups which have a goal of limiting waste by promoting environmental justice. With the EcoWaste’s plan, hundreds of sweepers will be assigned to pick up the trash left behind by the passionate believers and enterprising vendors. However there is controversy over the morality of littering and expecting other people to clean up after you.

Opinion: I am shocked that the Black Nazarene feels that the most efficient approach to limiting litter, is by littering more and having members pick up the trash. Litter is a major concern worldwide, and something our textbook goes into great depths about. Litter affects both marine species and on land species, and is a huge contributor to climate change. The fact that this environment advocacy group is planning on littering extra to make a statement is absurd to me. I feel that initiating a large scale

2 thoughts on “Environmental group pushes for clean ‘Traslacion’

  1. I agree with your confusion on Nazarene’s seemingly hypocritical efforts. If he is a “zero-waste” supporter it does not make sense to produce more waste to seemingly make a point. I was wondering if you had any suggestions towards making real strides for zero waste?

    • Thanks for your comment! In my opinion, we must lessen our use of plastic to significantly decrease the amount of waste.

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