Plant-based burger battle heats up as culinary rivals roll out new products

Kauffman, J. (2019, February 07). Plant-based burger battle heats up as culinary rivals roll out new products. Retrieved February 24, 2019, from


There are two major companies that are dominating the food industry specializing in mimicking meat to create the taste and look, but not actually using beef. They are Impossible Foods, which originated in Redwood City, California and Beyond Meat from Los Angeles. The article says that “Beyond Meat has dominated the grocery market and Impossible Foods has owned restaurant sales”. Both companies are working on more versions of their meats and trying to get closer and closer to the real thing. The article says “According to David Lee, chief operations officer of Impossible Foods, his company continues to test 100 prototypes a day”, but they “ trying to be thoughtful about how we increase capacity, but we have enough demand to want to sprint”.


This is related to environmental science because this could change the way people and restaurants sell and eat meat. Lots of us already know the costly effects of real meat in burgers: the unethical farming, the amount of water and food, and effort it takes to raise cows and the toll that has on the environment. So with the technology of creating “meat” that is plant-based, and looks and tastes like real meat is a game changer. It can possibly convince people to switch to vegetarian. I wonder if more meats can be adapted this way. The article mentions that both companies are working on new products. As far as the competition I think it’s good. While it might be bad for the companies, it means both companies are working to create better and better products.

2 thoughts on “Plant-based burger battle heats up as culinary rivals roll out new products

  1. Oh boy- the battle of the (veggie) burger is on. So great that things are heating up and the demand is there… and that impossible is in Redwood City! I totally agree with your sentiments in the follow up paragraph. Even if people started using these products as a substitute in say just like spaghetti sauce and things like that and we could reduce beef consumption by 10 or 20% it would be huge. Really exciting possibilities I think. We will stay tuned.

    Hope you’ve found following your topic to be uplifting Louisa- I appreciate you taking the time to find interesting articles to share.

  2. Thanks for your comment! It has been really inspiring to see how different people are tackling different environmental issues and trying to fix them! It shows that people do care and are trying to make a difference.

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