Thailand is first Asian country to ratify international standards for fishing.

E. (2019, January 31). Thailand is first Asian country to ratify international standards for… Retrieved from

Summary: Thailand has become the first Asian country to ratify the Work in Fishing Convention, which sets standards for work in the fishing industry. Thailand has made efforts to end the illegal fishing and human rights abuse that has plagued its fishing industry, which the Environmental Justice Foundation can affirm. The Royal Thai Government is considering allowing captains to employ 16-year-olds on fishing vessels, which many view as a step backwards in protecting the environment and minors. The country still needs to work on several of its measures to truly eradicate illegal and unethical fishing.

Opinion: For a country that has a history of being a progressive force for combating child labour, I feel that this could be a fatal move in the wrong direction for Thailand. Fishing places a major toll on fish populations, which play an important role in nutrient cycles because they store a large proportion of ecosystem nutrients in their tissues. The fact that much of Asia, specifically Southeast Asia, is looking to Thailand for their direction with regards to fishing, is alarming.

4 thoughts on “Thailand is first Asian country to ratify international standards for fishing.

  1. Are the conditions on fishing vessels really dangerous? What are the risks associated with 16-year-olds being allowed to captain the vessels?

    • The dangers include flooding, dangers with equipment, etc. 16 year olds are also less experienced which poses dangers to the marine life as well.

  2. It is a good thing that Thailand has decided to take action in preventing complete destruction of fish populations. Are any other Asian countries poised to take similar action?

    • It is a good thing in my opinion because fishing is a huge industry in Southeast Asian countries so the fact that Thailand is doing this sets a precedent for surrounding countries to do the same. China has attempted similar acts.

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