How India in a short time has become the cheapest producer of solar power.

Economic Times. (July 22, 2019) How India in a short time has become the cheapest producer of solar power. Retrieved August 13, 2019 from


Climate change is one of, if not the world’s most pressing environmental problems today. Countries like Russia, China, the United States, and India have long been the world’s worst emission producers. However, India has recently realized that it is now cheaper to build and maintain solar farms, instead of coal-fired power plants. This is an important step for India’s power consumption, as their population is rising rapidly, and so will their emissions if they continue with fossil fuel energy.


More and more countries are implementing solar power into their power production, but none are more important in doing so than India. India’s rapidly growing population, as well as the vast amount of land both indicate that solar power is the right step in powering the future. With solar power becoming more and more affordable, it seems that even developing countries like India have embraced switching to renewable energy, which can only help the fight to stop climate change.


3 thoughts on “How India in a short time has become the cheapest producer of solar power.

  1. It is important that India which produces such a large amount of emissions is making efforts to reduce their emissions. Longterm, this will greatly help the level of emissions to reduce. How available is this solar power to middle or low class citizens?

  2. Very insightful Hunter! Solar power and other renewable forms of energy are the way of the future and it’s great developing countries are hopping on board, I wonder what the difference in emissions are for India following their conversion to solar power.

  3. I think it’s great that India has found a different way that is more affordable but my question or wish for this article is to discuss how they found out about solar farms/how they switch from coal-fired power plants to solar farm?

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