Off-Grid Solar Power Is Making Africa’s Emerging Economies A Little Brighter.

Forbes. (August 19, 2019) Off-Grid Solar Power Is Making Africa’s Emerging Economies A Little Brighter. Retrieved August 19, 2019 from


This article discusses one of solar power’s biggest potential markets: Africa. Largely dominated by sunny days and frigid nights, this continent has nearly 600 million people without electricity. Rising solar energy company Lumos wants to change that. Those who do have electricity, according to Lumos, pay around $70 a month for gas-powered generators, and even those are not reliable. Not surprisingly, these people can get solar power from Lumos at $15 in a much more reliable manner. Lumos hopes to add 100 million new customers in the next 5-7 years.


I think Lumos can possibly be one of the most important factors in introducing solar power to countries with high poverty rates, and countries without the funds needed for their own solar programs. With poorer countries using expensive fossil fuels for power, it only makes sense for them to switch over to clean, renewable energy that’s more affordable. Lumos has the potential to create power for millions in impoverished areas in an affordable manner, this is revolutionary.


3 thoughts on “Off-Grid Solar Power Is Making Africa’s Emerging Economies A Little Brighter.

  1. I definitely agree. I think that utilizing the sun’s energy is an excellent use of natural resources and the technique proposed does not harm the environment.

  2. I agree that the technology is great, but find it interesting that it hasn’t caught on. Fifteen dollars for a renewable energy source seems like a bargain, but I wonder if it produces as much energy as the fossil fuel generators do.

    • I believe the answer is that they don’t and that’s why solar energy hasn’t caught on yet. Solar technology has to vastly improve before it becomes widespread.

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