Solar Could ‘Fully Substitute’ Power and Jobs From Coal In Europe.

Forbes. (July 26, 2019) Solar Could ‘Fully Substitute’ Power and Jobs From Coal In Europe. Retrieved August 13, 2019 from


A new study has found that jobs building and maintaining solar farms in Europe could completely replace those in the coal sector. This comes as a relief, and argument point, towards many EU leaders who have been advocating for the bill that would see Europe run completely on renewable energy by 2050. Many eastern European countries have been fighting against this bill, as many jobs and a majority of power comes from the coal sector. However, this study could be the turning point in the argument for clean energy in Europe.


Europe is one of the world’s main centers for economic and scientific growth. With the introduction of more clean energy, I think that other countries may follow suit, and lower carbon emissions worldwide. Although it will be difficult, for example a country like Poland gets 40% of its power from coal alone, it’s still important to make the change for solar power. If large countries in the EU, which have the potential and economy, begin to fund more solar research, I believe the energy crisis could be fixed much more quickly.


2 thoughts on “Solar Could ‘Fully Substitute’ Power and Jobs From Coal In Europe.

  1. I agree that it is necessary for the world to take a step away from coal and fossil fuels. However, I think that in some cases like Poland renewable energy is not a sufficient replacement with the current technology. What are possible power sources for Poland?

  2. I agree with this. I do think it just depends on what the countries decide to do, because many countries are able to do this if they wanted to. I think the countries that are able to, should do this because that would be a huge environmental step if many countries converted to solar power.

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