Importance of Nuclear Power  Reactors

“US Nuclear Power Plants Fast Facts.” CNN, Cable News Network, 9 Aug. 2019,

In this article by CNN, we learn that nuclear power  reactors units in the U.S. produce 20% of all of our energy. These new generators uses include nuclear power plants will up the supply and energy production across the globe to keep our planet running. Most of these nuclear power plants are located at big universities and colleges with large amount of space. With these 2019, advantages of Nuclear power, CNN states that we can only become more efficient with nuclear power to help save the United States and make it a better place.

This article relates to environmental science because it shows how nuclear power is still currently developing and becoming mo0re efficient.. It describes how we only make about ⅕ of all our power. This article also shows how essential nuclear power really is. I believe that nuclear energy Is so important in keeping the United States energy efficient and I believe we must find the most efficient way to create power.. I also believe that if the number and efficiency of each nuclear power plants increases, then as a result we can decrease carbon pollution in the United States and make our planet a healthier place. 


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