Offshore wind could save California $2 billion, report says.

Richards, H., & Energywire. (2019, August 20). Offshore wind could save California $2 billion, report says. Retrieved March 8, 2020, from


According to an independent environmentally economic study, researchers suggest that adding wind power to California’s rapid decarbonization ploy could save the consumers and the state billions in energy expenses. Castle Wind LLC commissioned the report, that estimates savings upwards of 2 billion dollars from offshore wind energy. This estimation is made plausible by proposed action between wind energy giants EnBW North America and Trident Winds Inc., that plan a 100-turbine offshore wind project on floating platforms. California, itself, as set goals to become entirely clean-energy dependent by 2045. In order to reach those goals, offshore wind presents itself as a worthy candidate, because it is cheap, clean, and popular.  


This article relates to environmental science because it discusses important research into the advantages of offshore wind energy in California. Overall, it saves billions of dollars at the consumer and governmental level, holds many companies’ interest, and is entirely renewable. In my opinion, I completely agree with the implementations of wind farms on coastal California sites, because the advantages are extremely promising. 

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