Trump Administration Rolls Back Clean Water Protection

Source: Friedman, Lisa, and Coral Davenport. “Trump Administration Rolls Back Clean Water Protections.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 12 Sept. 2019,

Abstract: Trump announced that he is repealing a major clean water regulation act that prevented the amount of harmful chemicals that could be used near large bodies of water. The act is known as the Waters of the United States rule and was implemented in 2015. It was set in place to further explain the Clean Water Act of 1972. Trump is passionate about pleasing farmers, especially those in the middle of the country, which is why he planned to repeal this rule before he became president. 

Reaction: I always question why. My focus for this phase is on the world, but this article is important to look at first. Many leaders look to the United States for approval and for example and the repeal of this rule will definitely turn heads globally. The times we are currently in call for much more drastic measures of water rights and protection given the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

3 thoughts on “Trump Administration Rolls Back Clean Water Protection

  1. I agree. Repealing this act shows everyone else that it’s ok to do so too. What was the farmer’s need for Trump to repeal this act?

    • I agree. I think the farmers should become smarter and think about a lot better ways to go about with the creation of their crops. It’s 2021. We have technology, so let’s use it and come up with innovative solutions; instead of sticking to the old ways which are proving extremely detrimental currently. Instead of encouraging bad practices lets promote finding good ones.

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