Thailand rice, corn production bounces back

Source 5: Demaree-Saddler, H. (n.d.). Thailand rice, corn production bounces back. Retrieved from


Summary: Thailand’s corn production is expected to recover from weather and pest problems. Corn production is anticipated to increase to 5.6 million tonnes, a 25% increase compared to last year. This is likely due in large part to armyworm outbreaks in the fall finally being contained. Thailand’s corn feed demand is expected to grow as the swine, poultry, and aquaculture markets continue to grow. 


Response: In contrast to many other countries suffering from the effects of climate change, it seems as though Thailand has had the situation work out in its favor. The weather has been less than ideal for the past couple of years but has definitely turned around recently. What’s most interesting to me is Thailand’s increasing usage of aquaculture. There are some areas with large-scale indoor fish farms, which makes me wonder about the possibility of something like aquaponics becoming a significant component of their farming. They appear to have the facilities and resources to do it, so the question is whether or not it can gain enough traction to pull focus and support from traditional farming techniques.

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4 thoughts on “Thailand rice, corn production bounces back

  1. I think this is a really cool abstract and it’s good to hear that the Thailand corn industry was able to bounce back. I like your idea of adding aquaponics to their systems. I wonder if any places in Thailand have implemented that?

  2. It is amazing to see that they have been using aquaponics. Do you think that this is the best direction for them to go in?

  3. I like your brief summary. Therefore, how did the aquaculture get to thailand? What were the ways that thailand got the hold of there growings? And do you think that if california or the USA did the same thing that Thailand did would we be seeing increase in the our growings?

  4. I think it is very cool that they could be using aquaponics to help their situation, a question I have is are other countries suffering from similar problems? if so, how are they attempting to solve it?

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