Biodiversity and Endangered Species

Askew, K. (2020, August 4). Biodiversity loss and food production: ‘An existential threat on the same level as the climate crisis’. Retrieved August 23, 2020, from


Biodiversity loss retrieves less attention in the environmental concerns aspect, biodiversity is declining the fastest in human history and we are close to our sixth mass extinction. The expectation for 2030, is to have urban areas to cover three times as much land as the year 2000. The food production has one third of the planet’s ice-free land. Lojenga, the executive director of the union of ethical bio trade. He Believes that there is more awareness for biodiversity which is very much needed right now and he has started to work with other companies in hopes to help biodiversity. 


In this article they speak about biodiversity in companies sourcing natural ingredients. Lojenga started the UEBT, which was made to offer certificates to organizations that practiced protecting biodiversity. The UEBT also had other requirements to help the environment such as, protect endangered species, limits on agrochemicals, and restrictions on cultivation. This action helps not only biodiversity but also helps the environment we are living in because food production has a negative impact on biodiversity. The further UEBT expands and brings awareness to this issue the higher biodiversity will be for our environment. 


2 thoughts on “Biodiversity and Endangered Species

  1. I agree that biodiversity loss should gain more attention. If there is less biodiversity, it can be easy for an ecosystem to be destroyed. If one species gets taken out of the ecosystem, the species that relied on the one species that got taken out would not have another species to use and as a result would die out. This affect would continue throughout the ecosystem until it has all died out. How do you think the importance of biodiversity can be spread?

    • Thank you for reading and I think humans need to practice living a more sustainable lifestyle because we are the main reason.

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