Adopt-a-topic: Wind energy Phase: All around the world

Adopt-a-topic: Wind energy Phase: All around the world

NREL. (2020, July 2). Distributed Wind Wonder: International Collaboration To Bring Wind into the Distributed Energy Mainstream. Retrieved August 30, 2020, from

The International Energy Agency Wind Technology Collaboration Program (IEA Wind) has convened researchers from around the world to help address the challenges that are keeping wind energy from providing similar services as solar energy, which is another renewable energy that is being used in a single-family scale. Although there need to be more technical and nontechnical advances, This team of global experts, led by researchers from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, is studying how can the localized wind installation will be similar level of affordability and flexibility for smaller-scale as the solar panels.

Solar energy is one of the most popular renewable energy, and because of how easy it is to install the solar panels at the roof, it has been spread throughout the world. However, solar panels are not the perfect machine that can automatically generate energy and not pollute the earth at all. For example, if the sun was not showing, then it can’t provide enough energy, and the amount of energy creation is unstable. Also, although the solar panels will not pollute the

4 thoughts on “Adopt-a-topic: Wind energy Phase: All around the world

  1. I think that wind energy has great potential it is a great renewable energy source that should be taking more measure to an sure the advancement of the wind energy technology.

  2. I agree with your response to this article. I think the debate on the transition to renewable energy resources has gone on much too long, and more action should be taken. Like you said, solar energy is not always the most reliable. Wind energy poses some of the same threats based on how it is easily changed by weather. Yet, I think with planning and advanced systems from experimentation and study, these energy sources can be developed to become our reliable main energy sources. What do you think about some of the complaints offered about wind energy, such as that windmills cause vibrations that may affect the hearing of nearby cities/towns?

  3. I agree with the points that you were saying, however since some of it is cut off I don’t know the entirety of your thoughts. I think this was really interesting and it shows how there is a barrier between being environmentally friendly and many people in the population; accessibility and flexibility. I honestly didn’t think about the fact that solar energy is so popular because it is accessible and flexible to a lot of people and their needs. However, for other energies like wind, who don’t have a very accessible and flexible way to be in people’s communities, it’s very hard for them to be implemented. My question to you then how would YOU specifically make wind power more affordable, accessible, and flexible?

  4. This is a very interesting article because it talks about all the pros to solar energy, and how it can enhance the environment. Are there any solutions that would make solar an option even if sunlight is inconsistent?

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