New research shows U.S. solar installations increased 3,000% in one decade

Solar Power World. (2020, October 21). New research shows U.S. solar installations increased 3,000% in one decade. Retrieved November 14, 2020, from

The US produced 30 times more renewable energy in 2019 than 2010, including solar energy. Today, 50 million American homes rely on renewable energy for power, a substantial increase that continues to grow. The growth in clean energy mostly comes from states taking an active stand on the issue, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, and North Carolina leading in solar energy. Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, and Illinois saw the most development in wind energy. These states have policies that significantly propel renewable energy forward in America, beating expectations for its effectiveness. In the next decade, these numbers will only continue to increase rapidly as nonrenewable energy falls.

This article is related to environmental science, as it reflects the general shift towards green energy. The rapid drive towards renewable energy is astonishing and demonstrates how rapidly our country can go towards renewable energy. Despite all roadblocks, the path towards green energy has continued to increase with a significant number of homes using renewable energy in the country. Even if climate science has been slowed recently, the application of this research has not, even in states that traditionally are more conservative. I found this article to be very interesting and positive, as at the rate described our country will quickly have a majority of homes using renewable energy, a significant achievement that I assumed would be improbable given the political aspect of this. I was truly surprised how many homes have actually switched to using renewable energy as I assumed a significant majority of them were still using gas or coal. My hope is that as our country moves forward, we will continue to see the growth of renewable energy in other sectors of life including transportation, fertilizer creation, and other technology commonly used today. With the boom of solar panels on homes, it does not seem surprising if a similar boom could occur in other sectors.

6 thoughts on “New research shows U.S. solar installations increased 3,000% in one decade

  1. I am happy to see that a lot of people are switching to solar energy. This is a great step in making our future environmentally friendly. I as well was surprised to see that there were so many new people who switched to solar energy, and was only expecting a small increase over a 9 year period. How can we further spread solar energy throughout the country?

    • Thanks for reading! We can continue to spread solar energy by providing more incentives for buying solar panels such as monetary compensation.

  2. It is exciting to see how much progress the US has made in terms of renewable energy sources. I also find it interesting that even the conservative states are taking part in solar energy. Do you think that solar energy has the possibility to become the number one source of energy in the US?

    • Thanks for reading! I don’t think that solar energy will be the number one source of energy, but it certainly could become that in California and other Western states where solar energy is more efficient due to there being fewer cloudy days.

  3. I am very happy to see how the renewable energy source is starting to spread through United States slowly, but surely. However, I am a bit concerned about the spread of solar panels. Using solar panels, you can get renewable energy, but it includes some metals that are toxic to the environment, so I am a little bit aware of that being exposed as the solar panels spread to more homes.

    • Thanks for reading! I agree that there are dangers with solar energy that need to be considered, but I think that in this case, the advantages outweigh the negatives. We have yet to find a perfect energy source that has no disadvantages and I feel like solar energy is much better than our other alternatives, at least in my opinion.

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