Electronic Waste

Colleen Graffy, O. (2020, July 13). Customers shouldn’t be responsible for e-waste – producers should be. Retrieved November 23, 2020, from https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/507018-customers-shouldnt-be-responsible-for-e-waste-producers-should-be


While American’s may think their electronic waste problem ends once they’ve dropped their waste off at a recycling center. The waste ends up getting sent to either a landfill or a third world country. The chemicals leach into their soils, which end up in crops like rice that we would likely consume. In these countries, there’s an issue presented with what happens to stuff like hard drives too. Our country is threatened on a national security level at this point. 


In my opinion, the leaching of heavy metals into crops like rice is a huge environmental issue. I consume lots of rice and studying this makes me think of where I’m getting my rice. This is hugely relevant in the field of environmental science as the sustainability of both crops and our people is affected.

3 thoughts on “Electronic Waste

  1. I agree with you reading this I am definitely worried about the safety of the food I am consuming. Going into the future we need to implement stricter laws about electronic waste and enforce this if we know the scale of the issue. I find this issue very similar to the plastic waste problem and the risk that poses to our food safety as well.

  2. I agree you with, I find it disturbing that many people don’t now were their food pis being produced. Reading this article it seeing how some of the landfill ends up in the farms and crop lands is concerning and we should find ways to stop this from happening.

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