Sengupta, S. (2021, February 1). Jal Jeevan Mission Urban launched in Union budget 2021-22. Retrieved February 22, 2021, from

Union budget announced the Jal Jeevan plan to bring clean water 2.86 households in India. Unfortunately, this is India’s 12th attempt at attempting to bring clean, good drinking water to all the households in the country. It is expected to be finished by 2024. The current budget gives Rs 9,994 crore for the toilet ++ program which was started in 2019. This is significantly higher than the budget of last year, which was Rs 6,000 crore.

Water is crucial to any ecosystem, so it is very important that it is clean. Having access to clean drinking water should be a guarantee to every citizen, and it’s shameful that so many people around the world are not guaranteed this. It’s good to see that India is taking more aggressive action, and I hope that their efforts work out this time unlike the past twelve attempts.


2 thoughts on “

  1. I totally agree with you! Honestly where we live, we are very lucky to privileged to have clean drinking water. It’s shocking to me that it is their 12th attempt at bringing back clean water, but it will be well worth it once the clean water is restored there. Do you think that bringing clean water back to India will have some influence on the histographs of India’s population growth?

  2. Although 2024 is a while away, I am glad that India is trying to move in the right direction and bring everybody clean water. Do you think this time is any more special than the last 11 attempt from India to bring clean water to every household, or will it fail again? I hope it doesn’t.

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