Electronic Waste

Evans, D. (2020, December 26). Tech companies aren’t doing enough to keep their devices out of landfills, and neither are we. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/26/tech-companies-arent-doing-enough-to-fix-the-e-waste-problem.html


The article talks about how regardless of what tech companies are doing, they simply can’t do anything about the pressing electronic waste issue. They have to remain profitable and make money, while at the same time combating their waste issues. An example of this is how Apple no longer includes charging blocks. While they do this, they’re also releasing a host of new iPhones every year. Contributing to our growing electronic waste issue and showing that they aren’t truly doing anything.


I wholly agree with the author’s point of view. No matter what companies like Apple may do, we don’t have a solution to magically turn old electronic devices into new tech by efficiently recycling them. Recycling is energy-intensive and it’s not feasible to rely on recycling for smaller players in the electronic industry. Especially with all the factories in East Asia producing electronics without any sort of recycling commitment or quota. It’s just hard for companies to really make a difference.

2 thoughts on “Electronic Waste

  1. I agree with your analysis and opinions. I think that the tech industry is only continuing to grow and expand. I wonder if there will be new tech to help decompose old tech in a more sustainable way…

  2. I totally agree with you and the authors opinions. Do you think there could be a permanent solution for electronic waste?

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