Electronic Waste

Paben, J. (2020, December 24). Stores pay millions in California hazardous waste disposal suits – E-scrap news. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from https://resource-recycling.com/e-scrap/2020/12/24/stores-pay-millions-in-california-hazardous-waste-disposal-suits/


The article highlights the present issue in our state regarding the irresponsible disposal of electronic waste. Companies like Walgreens who advertise responsible recycling services are in fact cheating customers and the environment. Walgreen’s is said to have dumped electronic waste in landfill trash rather than dismantling or outsourcing to a waste processing facility. This is dangerous and really bad for our environment.


This appalling article relates to the study of environmental science as it covers the bad players in keeping our environment clean. Companies like Walgreens contribute to the big picture of climate change and most of it is because of how they’re handling their electronic waste. I think the lawsuits were a proper solution to the issue, as it teaches them not to be lazy. I think the fines and reparations should be put towards cleaning the environment though.

2 thoughts on “Electronic Waste

  1. This is super interesting. Are there ways in which customers can ensure they aren’t being lied to? What are some alternatives to Walgreens? And, have they faced any repercussions?

  2. I find it interesting that a company as big as Walgreens is lying about something as important as this. Irresponsible disposal of electronic waste definitely plays a role in climate change. What does Walgreens gain from doing something like this? It is really disappointing.

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