The Aircraft Industry and Biofuel

Johnson, Eric M. “Boeing Says Its Fleet Will Be Able to Fly on 100% Biofuel by 2030.” Reuters, 22 Jan. 2021,  

The article discusses Boeing’s recent announcement to fly completely on biofuels by the year 2030. It then goes into detail describing how many different things need to develop in order to let this happen. Boeing has acknowledged this will be a challenge especially considering the current bumps they are facing right now like the Covid-19 pandemic, and problems with one of their lines of planes crashing. However, the company has addressed the fact that they play an important role in decreasing the carbon footprint of their industry to combat climate change.

Personally, I thought this article was great news. It feels good to see big airlines like Boeing taking real action and effort to reduce emissions. I also think that when properly sourced, biofuels will do a great job at reducing emissions especially in an industry that contributes so much to the global carbon footprint. It is important for other big players in different industries to lead the way like Boeing, and going full biofuel by 2030 is a great precedent to set.

One thought on “The Aircraft Industry and Biofuel

  1. How timely for this article. I agree- great news, and this could be a great application of biofuel. Did they mention what type of material they were making the fuel from? What would you recommend based on your understanding of fuel.

    I think biofuel has got big potential, depending on the fuel source. I hope you continued to find this topic interesting Griffin, and you feel well informed. Thanks for all your reporting on this.

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