In California, extreme heat and ozone pollution hit poor communities hardest

National Geographic. (2021, May 25). In California, extreme heat and ozone pollution hit poor communities hardest. Retrieved July 18, 2021, from In California, extreme heat and ozone pollution hit poor communities hardest (


When faced with high temperatures, the air often becomes thicker thanks to pollution and ozone. Both of these things together is a deadly combination. Many people find it difficult to breathe, and some even face hospitalization or death. Ozone pollution is most common in poor areas, specifically ones inhabited by marginalized communities. These communities are forced to live in locations with unhealthy air qualities, and they generally don’t have the resources needed to help protect themselves. This results in a higher likelihood of respiratory issues and other diseases in poorer areas.


Ozone pollution and increased temperatures are both issues that have become more and more prominent with time. Both are effects of climate change, a topic that environmental scientists have been working on for years. If ozone pollution continues to get worse, the environment will eventually not be able to survive in such a polluted and hot world. This is why many environmental scientists have been working on potential ways to combat climate change and reduce the amount of pollution in the air. One thing to note is that while ozone pollution does affect everyone, certain communities tend to be hit harder. Poor communities aren’t equipped to deal with the unhealthy air quality, and yet many of these communities are located in some of the most polluted areas. This is why environmental justice policies need to continue to be added. Without them, environmental inequality will only get worse, and many people will die. I found the article to be really informational and helpful for helping me understand some of the effects of environmental inequality. This enabled me to better understand why environmental justice is so important. I also found some parts of the article surprising, specifically how California has almost half of the most ozone-polluted cities in the United States.


Can California avoid another toxic waste disaster?

Sacramento News & Review. (2021, June 8). Can California avoid another toxic waste disaster? Retrieved July 18, 2021, from Can California avoid another toxic waste disaster? • Sacramento News & Review (


Many hazardous waste facilities are poorly regulated, some even operating with expired permits or contaminating the nearby soil and groundwater. They generally don’t take all of the necessary safety precautions either. This means that there is an increased risk for things like explosions or leakage of hazardous waste. Yet despite all of these issues, most factories are able to stay running, even after receiving numerous health citations. Additionally, most of said facilities are located in the poorest parts of California, meaning that the population is disproportionately affected.


The hazardous waste released from hazardous waste facilities is extremely bad for the environment. Living things that come in contact with hazardous waste often die or become sick. Due to all of its negative effects, many environmental scientists have been trying to find ways to either limit the amounts of hazardous waste being created, or create better disposal systems for hazardous waste. If it continues to be released in the environment, it will cause a lot of harm, especially to people who live near such facilities. People living near hazardous waste facilities tend to be on the poorer side, meaning that they don’t have access to resources or funds that could help protect them. This is a strong example of the effects of environmental inequality, and helps demonstrate why environmental justice is so important. When reading the article, I was surprised by how many hazardous waste facilities were located in California, and how a lot of them were poorly regulated. I had expected California to better enforce the regulations involving hazardous waste.

Premature or Precautionary? California is the first to tackle microplastics in drinking water

Cal Matters. (2021, March 15). Premature or Precautionary? California is the first to tackle microplastics in drinking water. Retrieved July 18, 2021, from California first to tackle microplastics in drinking water | CalMatters


Microplastics can be found in almost any living thing, since they are so plentiful in water and food. However, while the full effects of consuming microplastics are unknown, it is clear that microplastics are harmful to both living things and the environment. The California government plans to test the state’s drinking water for microplastics, and then attempt to reduce the levels of plastic in the water. New guidelines are being put in place to regulate the acceptable amount of microplastics in drinking water.


It is fairly common knowledge that plastic is bad for the environment. It takes incredibly long to decompose, and often contains toxins that can negatively affect living things and the natural environments around them. Just going off of that, it is clear that essentially drinking plastic will result in negative effects. As a result, a lot of environmental scientists have been studying ways to limit the amount of microplastics in water. Some areas are more affected than others, such as areas by waste facilities that are already in close proximity to large amounts of plastic. People (and animals) living in those types of areas are even more negatively affected by microplastics than the rest of the population. I found the article to be really eye opening. I had no idea how many microplastics are in our drinking water, and the article made me curious about what the potential effects of consuming microplastics might be in the long run.

Pesticide Caused Kid’s Brain Damage, California Lawsuits Say

U.S.News. (2021, July 12). Pesticide Caused Kid’s Brain Damage, California Lawsuits Say. Retrieved July 18, 2021, from Pesticide Caused Kids’ Brain Damage, California Lawsuits Say | California News | US News


Pesticides are used a lot in California, specifically in Central Valley where most of the state’s produce is grown. However, these pesticides, specifically ones with chlorpyrifos, are unsafe and should not be breathed in or brought into households. Despite this, the workers in Central Valley are constantly breathing in the pesticides, and the pesticides often go into the air and end up all over people’s homes. The chemicals in the pesticides can result in brain damage, primarily to children. Many parents with children negatively affected by the pesticides have been filing lawsuits in an attempt to get the products banned.


This article is very closely tied with environmental justice, specifically environmental inequality. A big factor for environmental justice is the vulnerability of a certain community. Usually, areas with higher rates of poverty and poor housing quality are more at risk for environmental hazards. This is especially true in Central Valley. Many of the agricultural workers and their families are below the poverty line, meaning that they are way more likely to face environmental inequality. This was made apparent by the amount of brain damage seen in children who live in Central Valley thanks to the pesticides being used. This is a huge example of the effects of environmental inequality, and how better environmental justice policies need to be put in place to help those affected. The article made me realize just how important environmental justice is. People, specifically kids, are being hurt every day because of the lack of environmental justice regulations in certain areas of California.

California Proposes Updates to Environmental Justice Tool CalEnviroScreen

Baker Botts. (2021, March 1). California Proposes Updates to Environmental Justice Tool CalEnviroScreen. Retrieved July 18, 2021, from California Proposes Updates to Environmental Justice Tool CalEnviroScreen | Thought Leadership | Baker Botts


CalEnviroScreen is an online database that is used to calculate and score information about the environment’s vulnerability levels to pollutants in California. The scores are used to create environmental policies and regulations that equalize residents’ exposure to pollution and other hazards. The database calculates where the environmental inequalities lie through various indicators, such as the amount of pesticides in a certain area. On February 22, 2021, The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment was released. The data from said assessment was put into CalEnviroScreen, which produced new scores that could be used in environmental decision making.


This article revealed CalEnviroScreen to be a really helpful tool to help promote environmental justice. Environmental inequality is such an important topic, and yet it is discussed way less than other environmental issues. Since environmental justice isn’t very frequently discussed, many people are unaware of just how unequal the environment’s pollution scale is. Some areas in California are way more at risk for things like pollutants or health hazards, and the only way to fix that is by bringing awareness to the issue and using tools like CalEnviroScreen. I found the article to be very helpful. I hadn’t been aware of just how many indicators led to environmental inequality. I also hadn’t known that tools like CalEnviroScreen were used to help combat environmental inequality. In addition, the article did raise a couple of questions for me. I’m curious about which areas in California are most affected by environmental inequality, and I would also like to know what is being done to help combat it.

Brazil’s offshore revival seeks to double crude output by 2030.

World Oil. (2021, July 26). Brazil’s offshore revival seeks to double crude output by 2030. Retrieved July 28, 2021, from

In Brazil hundreds of millions of dollars are being piled together into offshore rigs and projects to find new pockets. Brazil and Latin America will be responsible for a fourth of oil production outside of the OPEC group. Due to the lack of money in these countries it is hard to move away from the cheap and efficient crude oils. Brazil is now climbing to be a leader in output of oil just below the middle east. COVID slowed the business in Brazil, but President Jair Bolsonaro, is opening Brazil’s oil industry. ANP Brazil’s oil regulation is expecting a massive expansion in the number of rigs and exploration. Brazil’s dams due to the droughts fluctuate resulting in Brazil trying to tap the most out of oil before it is no longer useful. 

This article sheds light on Brazil’s newfound want and push for crude oil‘s, a push that before had not been much like Brazil. Brazil’s massive push to be a top of the crude oil industry output wise represents many of the struggles of developing countries when it comes to the modern world adapting around the energy crisis and climate change. Brazil he’s trying to tap majorly into The oil market and because of this we as a world I’m going to end up milking the last drop of oil out of this world. The idea that countries might as well take advantage of crude oil and petroleum now before they run out of value is truly a terrible thing as they are disregarding what they are doing and not making an effort to change until they are forced out of what they are doing. While reading the article and finding out the background of Brazil’s president and his lack of awareness of climate change it made me question the people that we put in power and what they will do to keep the power. And although Brazil and other countries may have tried all the alternatives I do not understand why they decide to fall back and revert to detrimental ways just to profit. The result of these selfish actions will be nothing but poor and once again will only provide a temporary solution to a problem that will only get worse the more they try to avoid it and fall back on oil as their source.


Iran opens new oil terminal in bid to bypass the Crucial Strait of Hormuz for exports

CNBC. (2021, July 22). Iran opens new oil terminal in bid to bypass the Crucial Strait of Hormuz for exports. Retrieved July 25, 2021, from 


Iran opened their first oil terminal east of the Gulf of Oman. The terminal started in 2019, reducing insurance expenses and transportation expenses for oil tankers. Majority of oil exports from the Middle East transport in the Strait of Hormuz. Being to the east of the Gulf allows for access to the Arabian Sea. Though while Trump was president he and his administration had decided to re-impose sanctions on Iran’s exports of oil, therefore limiting the oil exports of Iran to half of per usual exports, majorly affecting the Iranian economy. But this new terminal is not covered by the sanctions and therefore will plan to export 1 million barrels of oil per day according to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s. 

This article introduces what could be a new problem to our world considering crude oil’s/petroleum are very harmful and a thing of the past that the world is trying to move on from. This relates to environmental sciences as this problem will only allow for more pollution to the world as exports of oil will be increased and therefore a spiral effect of increases in oil usage, oil mining, and many pollutions as a result. The progress that has been made to limit oil usage and oil pollution will stop if not regress due to the topics of this article. And although the sanctions may hurt the economy of Iran they are put in place to help limit the destruction to our environment, but by trying to find ways around the sanctions only creates more problems for a short term solution. I understand why this is being done but I personally think that this is selfish. Rouhani is doing this to help himself and his country but is not thinking of the impact of his mistake in the bigger picture than just his world.


Chicago Project Embodies Steps Towards Sustainability

S.C.N.T. (2021, June 16). Chicago announces first net-zero high-rise for Loop site. Retrieved August 9, 2021 from

The development of Chicago’s first net zero emissions high-rise building has been announced, following Chicago’s C40 Reinventing Cities Competition. The development includes improvements in adjacent green spaces and utilizing construction innovations to reduce carbon emissions. One of the main features of the project is the utilization of low-carbon concrete in the construction of the building. This material helps the project meet LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification and construction is set to start later this year. 

This development reflects an interesting approach to sustainability and improvement because it comes from a competition in sustainable development. The innovation of using low-carbon concrete is a great way to reduce carbon emissions to ensure that the development is sustainable. Another important feature of this project is its importance to the community and how it will continue to provide for the future generations. Aiming for net zero emissions in all buildings should be the goal, and though the creation of Chicago’s first high-rise building with net zero emissions is a good step, the pace needs to increase when it comes to sustainable development particularly within big cities. These kinds of developments are vital to the future of environmental science because they are necessary to combat carbon impacts and climate change. I think that the article provides a good description of a way to implement sustainability and the project as well is a step in the right direction. For sustainable development to really take hold in big cities including Chicago, and to have the ability to benefit the environment, implementation of such sustainable projects needs to develop more rapidly and on a larger scale.

The State of Green Business

Makower, J. (2021, January 25). The State of Green Business 2021. Retrieved August 8, 2021, from

Sustainability has become an indicator of corporate success and responsibility. Sustainable development within companies is now seen as key to minimizing risk, increasing resilience, augmenting competitiveness, and creating new opportunities for protecting against environmental downfalls. Alignment within companies along environmental causes has eased the process of developing sustainability despite heavy pushbacks. A new era has skimmed the surface of sustainability and provided a wave of commitments to “net zero emissions,” the problem being how sustainable development is carried out and if companies keep their word. 

The ideas of sustainable development and sustainability in general have certainly become more frequently utilized when considering future actions, particularly in the corporate sector. The article sheds light on the fact that companies and other entities need to turn towards sustainability right away to ensure success and protection. However, the article does not address the harm that false commitment to sustainability does to a community or to the world as a whole. Sustainability commitments adopted among corporations are difficult to regulate and to ensure that they are carried out, and though it is beneficial that some corporate success aligns with sustainable development, there needs to be more pressure on such companies to follow through. I agree with the article’s sentiment about the importance and urgency of sustainable practices, and I would add that more companies need to view sustainability as an immediate goal.


‘Green buildings’ conveniently ignore the emissions from their construction

Clendaniel, M., & Elamine, O. (2021, July 22). ‘Green buildings’ conveniently ignore the emissions from their construction. Retrieved August 8, 2021, from

As the aesthetic of sustainable development becomes increasingly more desirable, companies and developers fail to recognize the threat of emissions during the construction and are blinded by the seemingly eco-friendly impacts of a proposed building or development. This brings light to the idea of embodied carbon, a way of measuring the energy used during construction, rather than solely looking at the use of energy once the building is created. It is more simple for developers to meet top environmental certifications, such as the United States’ LEED certification, but this does not address the carbon footprint left by the construction phase.

This article provided an important insight to a problem within sustainable design and construction that is often overlooked. As many developers expand in the industrial, real estate, and business sectors, reports of sustainability are often misleading, creating a false sense of environmental efforts. The article cites that the “built environment” consumes around 40 percent of all energy in the United States, thus creating sustainable buildings should still include a commitment to using renewable energy and not creating waste, but should also focus on construction that is environmentally friendly as well. This article relates to environmental science in shedding light on the harmful side effects of sustainable development. I agree with the article’s sentiment that a move towards multidimensional sustainability is a necessary step when considering environmental impacts.