Organizations Challenge State Over Water Pollution Permit

Samuels, Iris. “Organizations Challenge State Over Water Pollution Permit.” U.S. News & World Report, 19 July 2021, 

In May of 2021, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality approved a permit for new developments in Big Sky, like Lazy J South, to process its wastewater through outdated septic technology that would result in wastewater being discharged into the Gallatin River. The DEQ is doing this despite the proven connection between the wastewater systems and the increased levels of nitrate and nutrients that have caused noxious algal blooms polluting the river. Environmental groups oppose and challenge the decision claiming the state agency is not protecting the waterways as it is supposed to according to the Montana Water Quality Act.

This article helps to highlight some of the issues between government agencies and environmental groups and their different ideas and approaches regarding the environment. It seems the DEQ is more interested in new developments and how they positively impact the economy instead of what the DEQ was formed to do; protect the environment from things like pollution. The lack of care and attention when it comes to matters of dumping wastewater into our beautiful waterways is not only upsetting but inexcusable. Since the DEQ’s job is to protect the environment, it should be using the most efficient and practical methods of processing wastewater, rather than prioritizing the needs of the developers. 

One thought on “Organizations Challenge State Over Water Pollution Permit

  1. I agree with your statement on how the DEQ’s priorities changing is inexcusable and that they should protect the enviornment, do you believe there is a way for them to redeem themselves?

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