Center for Transportation and the Environment wins grant to deploy 30 hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks in Northern California

Gupta, K. (2021, July 29). Center for Transportation and the Environment wins grant to deploy 30 hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks in Northern California. Retrieved August 22, 2021, from


This article explains that the Center for Transportation and the Environment in Oakland received a grant to deploy 30 hydrogen fuel cell powered trucks in Northern California. The author quotes a director of the Center for Transportation and the Environment, saying that the trucks will have a very direct environmental impact because they will replace the previously used diesel trucks which are very bad for air quality and the environment. The article also mentions that there are plans to build a hydrogen fueling station later on down the line.


This article is connected to environmental science in that it is about a greenhouse gas reducing measure. I believe that the implementation of 30 fuel cell trucks will not actually do very much to limit fossil fuels and that this is just a test run to see if fuel cell trucks are feasible. The infrastructure to implement fuel cell cars and trucks more widespreadly is just not here yet so that is why the fleet is only limited to 30 trucks. This could just be a PR move to appease critics of trucking companies, while avoiding doing the actual work of carbon offsets. Thirty trucks will not actually do anything in the long run if it is not an example for others to do the same.

4 thoughts on “Center for Transportation and the Environment wins grant to deploy 30 hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks in Northern California

  1. I agree with your opinion, but this is definitely a step in the right direction if these new trucks are successful. It shows that people care about our environment and are working to keep it sustainable.

    • Thanks for reading! I agree that this is a good development, but I think that there are other options where money could go that would be more beneficial for the environment and for more people.

  2. I think this is a very important topic. Even though this change won’t make a huge impact, I still think that it’s a good step to take. Do you think this might influence other companies to do the same?

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